BRIANNAH GRACE, 23-year-old Sunshine Coast singer/songwriter, is stepping into an anticipated new venture inspired by the crazy changes caused by COVID. She spent 2020 kicking huge goals, that launched her in the award-winning sibling duo as half of 'Oh Harlow', who in 2020 won the Queensland Music Award for best 'Country Song of the Year and starred on the Top 24 on X-Factor 2016, the Gympie Music Muster five years in a row, Woodford Folk Festival and Groundwater CMF. Their debut single hit the charts at No.3 on the Music Network Australian Country Airplay Charts, No.1 on the iTunes Country Albums Chart and performed around Australia and even abroad in Japan.
Taking with her the hard work and determination that it took to create that success, this short but mighty go-getter has spent the pandemic songwriting, learning guitar, photography, and building a community (her Bri-Gade) while live-streaming her music on an online platform called 'Twitch'.
After six years of touring, songwriting, and performing in her duo, BRIANNAH GRACE is fronting her own debut single 'IF I HAD TO GUESS', recorded at Brisbane’s Red Engine Recording Studio and produced by Andrew Cochrane and will be returning with her full band at the Gympie Music Muster 2023!