ihiva - reggae re-imagined

ihiva's debut


lyrical video

ihiva music


It’s on the news, every channel from across all nations a daily exposure to the sufferings of humanity. A nation gets attention, a community loud enough, gets noticed, a persistent group gets heard, but who hears the silent cry of a wounded soul? 

The message is twofold, we ALL need a helping hand from time to time. Mental block, self doubt, fear, feelings of insignificance seep in unannounced crippling one's haven of self esteem and often leaving one to suffer in silence, alone.  Reach out from this dark and lonely place, it's okay to not be okay. Many will go the extra mile to help you through your trials and tribulations.  As the song says, ‘we’re stronger together. The feel of the song is reflective and very hopeful.

Something interesting happens during the creation process, tuned in to a certain frequency, words are felt, portrayed, it become a story, a belief 'each one of us can make a difference', becomes a song. When the experience is shared, it makes for a very swift process in writing and arranging the song. Our interpretation of this ongoing and crippling condition fills the recording studio with emotions that travel through our instruments to which we hope is felt as much as heard.

The ability to walk in someone else’s shoes, allows us to understand how we can help and make a difference in another’s life. A Story that hits the heart, Take A Stand was fully realized.


MANAGEMENT World IHIVA management@ihivamusic.com
REPRESENTATIVE world Paul Banks info@ihivamusic.com